Vision & Mission

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MBIS is Child Centric-‘Children Matter Most’ -not only as recipients but as ‘partners and contributorsof knowledge production, insights, innovations and perspectives’! There is much to be learnt from them rather than teaching and instructing them all the time with an adult supremacy. We do not encourage the use of adult frame and highhandedness in dealing with them and their affairs. The schools, therefore, must offer an environment where they have the freedom to express, evolve and experiment. They have to be treated as equals and not subservient. For us the school education offers foundation for life and therefore, it must excite, encourage and prepare the children for meaningful pursuitsaccording to their orientation and choice. MBIS’s vision resonates the above.

‘Manava Bharati’ encapsulates the aforesaid vision – ‘Manava’ being a man with an awakened consciousness and ‘Bharati’ meaning wisdom and learning


Our mission is to ensure all round development of the child by providing quality education, with a scientific temper, adaptive to the changing needs of time.

To realize this mission, Manava Bharati International School, aims to:-

  • Provide safe, dynamic and conducive environment for learning, equipped with advanced facilities and competent faculty, to cater to the child’s inherent desire to explore, discover and create.
  • Ensure rigorous academic programme, nurture innovation, creativity and team spirit amongst students.
  • Encourage active participation in extra and co-curricular activities.
  • Encourage participation in socially relevant projects in the local community, in the areas of literacy, cleanliness & environment.
  • Expose children to our rich culture and heritage and infuse into them a spirit of openness, respect and tolerance, to enable them to become responsible and transformative citizens of the society.