Unique Activities

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Our Unique Pedagogy and Activities

Our academic activities are not bound within the four walls. We have flexible and deliberative pedagogy to allow adequate reflection, collaboration and thinking through. We adopt the following:

  • Group discussion, workshops, seminars and debates
  • Develop communication effectiveness through communication labs
  • Collaborative and peer learning
  • Scientific experiments at the designated laboratories
  • Socio-emotional and cultural engagement
  • Immersion into socio-economic and ecological realities
  • Project based learning
  • Exposure visits
  • International exposure through interactive events with cross-cultural communities. We have a plan to encourage and build global exchange of teachers and students,

Dealing with crises

The Covid-19 pandemic proved to be a blessing in disguise. We learned how to deal with the situation and continue with our academic and extra-academic activities using virtual and hybrid platforms. Our virtual engagement has been well appreciated. For details refer to our in house publications:

  • Against Odds
  • Turning challenges into opportunities .
  • Our student led and managed magazine-‘Out and About’.

Be face to face with the glories and accolades

We value and encourage our students and teachers to engage with various issues and subjects demanding critical thinking and perspectives. We celebrate such successes, preserve accolades and excellences and treasure them. Be face to with our:

  • Recognitions
  • Accolades
  • Credentials